Sarah Hernholm is a former elementary school teacher turned entrepreneur.
In 2009, she left the classroom to create WIT - Whatever It Takes. At WIT, Sarah works with t(w)eens around the world who are interested in using their voice and ideas to launch businesses, non-profits, and/or social movements. WIT also focuses on helping t(w)eens develop emotional intelligence, soft skills, and an entrepreneurial mindset.
Since launching WIT, Sarah has created the t(w)een coaching program 360 Self, Inc.. She has given 3 TEDx talks, multiple keynotes, and one commencement address. She also writes for FORBES and TODAY Show Parent, hosts the DO WIT podcast, speaks on stages, and zoom rooms around the world, and is currently writing her book 11 Tips for Doing WIT.

Through the work Sarah does at WIT
and the children's causes she champions in her community, Sarah is a fierce advocate for tweens, teens and young adults.
Sarah believes young voices and ideas should
be included at the table and in the places usually reserved for adults. It's one of the reasons why she launched WIT Hackathons.
Whether on a stage with an audience of thousands
or zooming into classrooms or boardrooms across
the world, Sarah shares the "Do WIT" message in multiple ways.
Sarah is part of the Washington Speakers Bureau
Sarah has also delivered 3 TEDx talks, a commencement address, and multiple keynotes.
You can hear Sarah on her podcast DO WIT.
The podcast focuses on giving young people the tools they need to be successful in life and covers topics not usually addressed in school.

As a Contributor to FORBES and the TODAY Show Parent blog, Sarah frequently writes about young entrepreneurs and adult entrepreneurs who are "Doing WIT" in their life and business.
Sarah is also working on her new book 11 Tips for Doing WIT, a book for those who are ready to take radical ownership of their life and commit to doing
Whatever It Takes to take care of
self, community + the world.
Sarah embraces the life of an entrepreneur as she
runs the non-profit WIT - Whatever It Takes and the
for-profit company 360 Self, Inc.
Sarah knows that while not everyone is meant to be
an entrepreneur, everyone can benefit from living with
an entrepreneurial mindset. This is why at both WIT
and 360 Self, the focus is on entrepreneur education
for both youth and adults.